mixed group of YoungMinds volunteer giving out fundraising materials

Volunteering at YoungMinds

Find out about opportunities to volunteer, support and work with YoungMinds

Join the movement

a group of parents sits in circle and laughing during  a workshop inside a classroom

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with YoungMinds!

Due to the way our charity is set up, we don't offer volunteering opportunities in our office. But there are plenty of other ways that your time can be put back to support young people and the work we do.

Take a look at some of our opportunities below.

Volunteering opportunities for young people

Whether you want to raise your voice about mental health, share your story with others or influence our strategy, as a young person we have lots of ways you can join our movement. Take a look at some of our opportunities to get involved.

Working at YoungMinds

Come to work at YoungMinds and you’ll be part of a passionate, hardworking team that works every day to help raise awareness and understanding of children and young people’s mental health.

Want to know more? Read about what it's like to work at YoungMinds.

For our current job opportunities, including openings to be on our Board of Trustees, take a look at our careers page.

See our current job vacancies

Fundraising for us

A YoungMinds marathon runner running with their hands in the air and smiling.

Whether you want to run a marathon, hold a bake sale, or skydive, there are endless ways you can fundraise for us.

Find out more about fundraising and how you can help us on our mission to create a world where no young person feels alone with their mental health.

Get started with fundraising
facilitator gives lecture to a group of parents for a training course

Internships, work experience and work placements

Unfortunately we do not offer clinical services to young people, so we are unable to support psychology/social work etc. placements at YoungMinds.

We are also not currently able to offer internships or accommodate work experience placements due to the lack of resources in the office.