Our complaints policy
Every year YoungMinds works with and supports lots of people with a wide range of issues dealing with the mental health of young people. We work really hard to make sure that everyone who comes into contact with us has a good experience and gets what they need from us, whether they are calling our helpline, raising money for us, campaigning with us or attending a training session. We also have measures in place to evaluate how we are doing in key areas and as an opportunity to gather feedback to help us in seeking to constantly improve.
We recognise that there will be times when it doesn’t go as well as we want it to. It’s important to us to know when this happens and this is why we have a complaints procedure. Sometimes we can put things right and sometimes we can only explain ourselves and apologise, but this is also vital to ensure we do learn from our mistakes. What you tell us helps us to look at how we do things and helps us to improve our service.
Misunderstandings can often be sorted out on an informal basis so feel free to ring in and have a chat with us. Hopefully we can resolve the problem there and then. However, to make a formal complaint, we would ask you to put all of the information in an email or a letter and send it us marked ‘complaints’ in the email heading or on the envelope.
All complaints will be logged by our central reception team. We will acknowledge your complaint within two to five working days of receiving it. Your complaint will be passed to the relevant department who will respond to you directly. They will investigate and respond to you within 10 working days* of the date your acknowledgement was sent.
If, following this procedure, we have still not fully resolved things then you can ask for a further review.
*Please note working days do not include Saturdays, Sundays or bank holidays.