Three people chatting outside.

Participation toolkits

Schools, NHS staff and commissioners, Local authorities

This resource covers:

These guides are aimed at professionals who work in children and young people's mental health services and aim to increase the influence of young people and parent and carer voices in making decisions and shaping services.

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Participation toolkits

Front page cover of our resource 'Supporting the participation of children and young people experiencing extra vulnerabilities'. The cover has an image of three young people smiling and looking to the left.

Supporting the participation of children and young people experiencing extra vulnerabilities

This toolkit aims to support organisations to increase the participation of children, young people and families who face marginalisation and barriers within the mental health system.

As well as insights into how these barriers impact young people's experience of service and engagement with participation opportunities, this toolkit provides practical tools you can use to make your participation more representative.

Document type: PDF

Document size: 9.7MB

Front page cover of our resource 'Involving parent and carers in children and young people's mental health'. The cover has two parents having a conversation with a child in the middle looking down at their hands.

Involving parents and carers in children and young people's mental health

This toolkit is based on work with services who were supported to improve their parent and carer participation structures.

This learning has been built on with insights from our parent and carer advisors and the wider Amplified project. It is aimed at professionals interested in improving parent and carer participation in their organisation.

Document type: PDF

Document size: 2.2MB

Front page cover of our resource 'Evaluating Participation: A guide for professionals'. The cover has an image a teacher and student. The teacher is on the left smiling at the student, the student is smiling and looking through a book.

Evaluating participation: a guide for professionals

This toolkit was developed in response to feedback from professionals who were finding it difficult to evaluate their participation activities. It builds on learning gathered from the Amplified project to create a comprehensive guide to facilitating good evaluation practice within your organisation with the aim of creating a culture of continuous improvement in the mental health sector.

Document type: PDF

Document size: 8.5MB

Front page cover of our sources 'Digital engagement in participation'. The cover has two young people both holding phones, they are both looking at one phone together.

Digital engagement in participation

Developed in response to the challenges the COVID-19 pandemic posed to involving young people in participation, this toolkit is based on our own learning from the move to digital engagement.

Exploring the benefits of digital participation, as well as providing practical tips on structuring an online workshop and utilising the available technology, this toolkit will support professionals to feel more confident using digital methods to engage young people in the services they use and the decisions that affect them.

Document type: PDF

Document size: 9.4MB


Participation briefings

The front page of our resource 'Rewarding Participation'. The cover has an image of a young person holding a clipboard talking to other young people.

Rewarding participation

This guide highlights the issues your organisation might need to consider when developing policies and practices around how you reward young people and carers, and offers some practical ideas about how people can be rewarded for their participation and the contribution they make to your organisation.

Document type: PDF

Document size: 6.3MB

Front page cover of our resource 'Evolving by Involving'. The cover has an image of a mother and daughter looking at each other in conversation.

Evolving by involving

Including young people and their parents/carers in decisions about their care is key to establishing and maintaining trust and achieving the best outcomes.

This resource aims to help professionals consider the best ways to ensure you and your service are creating opportunities for genuine involvement at every level of care. It provides advice and experience from young people and parents and carers who have received mental health support, and looks at potential barriers that professionals may face.

Document type: PDF

Document size: 3.3MB

Front page cover of our resource 'Designing and running public consultation events'. On the cover is an adult leading a session and holding a marker pen.

Designing and running public consultation events

Well-designed and well-run public consultation events provide the opportunity to gain valuable insights from a wide range of people in your community.

This toolkit will guide you through the steps of planning a successful consultation and the decisions you need to make to ensure that your event is accessible to the people you want to hear from and, as a result, enable you to provide services that meet their needs.

Document type: PDF

Document size: 15.6MB


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