What is grief?
Grief is how you react to losing someone or something in your life, it’s not just about death. Experiencing a loss can be incredibly tough, no matter who or what it is, or your relationship to them. But it’s not a mental health condition. It’s something that most people will experience at some point in life.
We all grieve differently
Grieving is a personal thing. You might feel a mix of emotions, or you might feel numb. There’s no right or wrong way to do it. Whatever you’re feeling is okay.
Everyone’s journey with grief is different. That means you might feel the loss differently to the people around you. Your culture, beliefs and community can all shape how you cope. Sometimes you might feel a pressure to grieve a certain way, but know that whatever feels right to you is valid.
Taking care of yourself and grieving your own way is important. But also try to be mindful of how others are grieving, as their process might look different to yours. They might not be ready to talk about it, even if you are. Neither of you is doing anything wrong; you’re just on different journeys.
Grief can hit you at any time. You might think it’ll happen at a certain moment, like your first holiday without the person you’ve lost. But it can also catch you off guard. Sometimes you might not feel anything for a while, and then it hits you much later – you might hear this called ‘delayed grief’.
How grieving might make you feel
Grief can bring up a bunch of emotions. Some people find it overwhelming. Others experience it as a physical pain. Some people find that they just feel numb.
There’s no right way to feel when you experience a loss. Your reaction is valid, whatever it looks like. And if you don’t feel much at all, that’s fine too. It doesn’t mean you’re made of stone, or that you didn’t care about the person you lost.
It’s also common for your feelings to change with time. Try to feel your feelings without judging yourself. Grief is hard, so try to go easy on yourself.
Feelings of guilt and anger
When someone you care about dies or isn’t in your life anymore, it’s normal to feel guilty or like it’s somehow your fault. But it’s important to remember that you are not to blame at all.
Your emotions might shift and change, and that’s normal. But feeling less pain or sadness over time doesn’t mean you’ve stopped caring about the person you’ve lost. Finding happiness in the things you enjoy doesn’t mean you’ve forgotten them or stopped loving them.
Feeling anger is a normal response to loss as well. Especially if you didn’t get to say goodbye or had no control over how things were left. It’s okay to feel angry, but it’s important to understand that what you feel is valid.
Working through your grief
Grieving takes time and being with the people you love can help you through it. You might suddenly feel sad when you’re not expecting it or feel on edge about your health or other people’s. This is just your body and mind are reacting to the loss, and that’s okay.
You might never stop grieving, but opening up to your family and friends and figuring out what support you need can help you get on top of it.
Losing someone close to you can really shake up your life. If you’re struggling to accept their death, finding it hard to handle everyday things or feeling stuck, reach out to someone you trust. Talk to a friend, a sibling, a teacher or someone you trust about how you’re feeling. We all need help from time to time.
Stages of grief
Some studies suggest there are five steps to the grief cycle that people go through - the 'five stages of grief'. But everyone grieves differently. You might experience all or some of these feelings, and you could experience them in any order. Or you might not experience them at all.
Some people argue that the five stages of grief theory can make people feel like they’re grieving the 'wrong' way. Remember that however you grieve is okay. This is just one way to understand your feelings that you may find helpful.
When it’s hard to accept what’s happened and you’re feeling confused and can’t understand it.
You might feel really angry, blame yourself or others for what happened or feel like things are out of control.
Feeling sad and lost after the loss, like everything just feels heavy.
You might feel guilty, thinking you could have done more or wishing things had turned out differently.
Starting to accept what happened, understand it, and feeling ready to take steps forward.
Getting help with grief

It’s normal to feel down and a bit hopeless when you lose someone. But if you find that these feelings don’t go away, that you get physical symptoms, or you start thinking about hurting yourself, then it might be time to get help. A good first step is to see your GP. They can discuss things like counselling and medication.
It can be hard to reach out to your GP and talk about your mental health. But we have tips to help.
Tips for expressing your grief
Sometimes, finding ways to express your grief can be helpful. Here are a few different ideas you could try if you’re struggling to cope with what’s happened:
Turning my pain into something creative helped me channel the anger and pain I was feeling.
How to help a friend who's going through a loss
Knowing what to say to someone who’s grieving can be tough. But just being there for them can mean a lot. Here are some other things you can do to support them.
Regularly check in with them, especially if there is a funeral. That can be a really lonely time for them. You could send them a message or ask them to hang out – whatever feels right.
You don’t have all the answers. Just being there to listen to what they’re going through can be a real comfort.
If it feels right, sharing your favourite memories of the person who passed away can be comforting. It keeps their memory alive and lets them know they’re not alone in missing that person.
It can be hard, especially if your relationship changes while they’re grieving. They might need different things from different people or stop messaging for a bit. Understanding and respecting what they need is really important.
Marie Curie has more tips and advice on how you can look after someone who's grieving.
Coping with grief and loss on big occasions
Big celebrations, like birthdays or religious holidays can be tough when you’ve lost someone important. Being around people you care about can sometimes help, but these moments can also bring the grief to the surface.
During those times, it’s important to take care of yourself. If things start to feel too much, try to step away and give yourself some space. It’s normal to miss the person you’ve lost and feel triggered by what’s going on. And remember, the people around you might also be grieving. Try to share what you need and understand their needs – it can help everyone to cope better.
Having a plan for if you start to feel overwhelmed can be helpful. You could tell someone you trust about how you’re feeling so they can check in with you. Knowing where you might be able to have some quiet time to regroup can help you to stay grounded as well.
If you’re grieving a death, these events can be times when you remember the person you’ve lost. Here are some ideas for how you can celebrate their memory:
Family traditions
Carry on with activities or traditions you used to do together, like playing a game or visiting a special place. You could also create new traditions or fulfil something they always wanted to do.
Remembering together
Visiting a special place, reading a poem or lighting a candle can help to focus in on the memory of the person who’s no longer with you.
Visit their resting place
Go to where they are laid to rest with something personal, a handwritten note or some flowers.
Write a message
Create decorations or a mural with messages from friends and family about the person you’ve lost.
Share memories
Make time to talk about the person you’ve lost and share your favourite memories.
Remember their favourite things
Spend time doing the things they enjoyed. This could be eating their favourite food or listening to a song they liked.
Get help now
If you're not sure where to turn for support right now, these organisations can help.
Winston's Wish
Offers practical support and guidance to bereaved children, their families and professionals.
Online chat service also available on their website.
- Opening times:
- 8am-8pm, Monday - Friday
Hope Again
Cruse Bereavement Care’s website for young people experiencing grief.
Has lots of personal stories from young people who have lost someone, as well as information and advice.
- Opening times:
- 9:30am - 5pm, Monday - Friday
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS)
Offers support for people over the age of 18 who have lost someone to suicide.
- Opening times:
- 9am - 9pm, Monday - Friday
Let's Talk About Loss
Let's Talk About Loss supports 18-35 year olds who have been bereaved of anyone, at any time.
They run monthly, peer-led meet ups all over the country and there is one online too, so wherever you are, you can access support. They talk about grief in a relaxed, fun and safe space with others of the same age who 'get it'. -
Grief Encounter
Supports children and young people through bereavement.
Free webchat service available.
- Opening times:
- 9am - 9pm, Monday - Friday
Marie Curie
Offers care, guidance and support for people living with any terminal illness and their families.
If English isn't you or your family's first language, they can provide an interpreter for over 200 different languages.
Free online chat service also available.
- Opening times:
- 8am - 6pm, Monday - Friday; 11am - 5pm, Saturdays; 10am - 4pm, Bank Holidays
Whatever you're going through, you can contact the Samaritans for support. N.B. This is a listening service and does not offer advice or intervention.
- Opening times:
- 24/7
If you’re under 19 you can confidentially call, chat online or email about any problem big or small.
Sign up for a free Childline locker (real name or email address not needed) to use their free 1-2-1 counsellor chat and email support service.
Can provide a BSL interpreter if you are deaf or hearing-impaired.
Hosts online message boards where you can share your experiences, have fun and get support from other young people in similar situations.
- Opening times:
- 24/7
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