Supporting a young person struggling with self-harm Topic: Understanding feelings and behaviours For: Community support, Youth workers
Helping a young person manage anger Topic: Understanding feelings and behaviours For: Community support, Youth workers
Supporting a young person struggling with anxiety Topic: Understanding feelings and behaviours For: Community support, Youth workers
Mindfulness activities Topic: Practical tools for support, Mental health in schools For: Schools, NHS staff and commissioners, Youth workers
Stress bucket activity Topic: Understanding feelings and behaviours, Coping with life For: Community support, Youth workers
Mood battery Topic: Practical tools for support, Understanding feelings and behaviours For: Community support, Youth workers
Characteristics of someone to turn to when talking about mental health Topic: Practical tools for support For: Schools, Community support, NHS staff and commissioners, Youth workers
When to check in with a young person about their mental health Topic: Practical tools for support For: Schools, Community support, Youth workers
Supporting schools through the pandemic Topic: Practical tools for support, Mental health in schools For: Schools
Responding to self-harm Topic: Understanding feelings and behaviours For: Schools, Community support, Youth workers
Supporting school transitions Topic: Practical tools for support, Mental health in schools For: Schools